We started off the year by hosting two seminars at the Vedic Welfare Seminar. At the first one, which was held in January, our 6th-8th grade students learned about the differences between hardware and software through various activities, including building their own hex bug. The second seminar, which occurred in February, was geared towards 9th-12th grade students. It focused on android coding, and students created their own photo roulette using java.
As we were preparing for our third seminar to be held on March 14th, COVID 19 hit the United States, causing all of our in person programs to be suspended. As the pandemic continued, we realized that hosting any in person activities for the rest of the year would put our community at risk, and thus we were forced to cancel them.
Instead, we decided to shift gears, holding a mask drive throughout the months of April and May. Through this, a team of volunteers made cloth masks by hand, and families signed up to have these masks delivered to their homes. Over the course of these months, we were able to deliver approximately 415 masks to nearly 50 households.
Currently, we are working to introduce new programs which follow the guidelines the CDC has set for us. With the chaos of 2020 behind us, we are looking forward to what 2021 has to offer!